9 Unhealthy Foods You Should Give Up On And Detoxify From This Year!

We have all been guilty of devouring our favourite foods, which have been termed 'unhealthy', because they do not do good to your body, have zero nutritional value, no health benefits to offer and end up adding calories in your body. Basically, junk foods and processed foods that may taste heavenly may just turn out to be the biggest culprits for your health. However, even if you decide steering clear of junk food, there is still a chance you are making mistakes with the food choices you make without even realizing it. For instance, any food that has excess sodium or sugar can be extremely unhealthy for your body; which is why it is important to identify the right food groups so your body can meet all the nutritional needs.

So this year, make sure you skip some of these foods that are doing no good to your body and instead choose to eat a healthier diet; of course a cheat meal now and then doesn't hurt. Here are unhealthy foods that you should give up and detoxify from, starting now!

1. Refined Foods

Refined foods like sugar and flour can wreak havoc on your health. They not only provide empty calories but also have no nutritional value. These foods have high glycemic index that may prove to be extremely harmful for diabetics as it may spike their blood sugar levels. Moreover, they also tend to increase bad cholesterol levels and induce weight gain ruining your health.

2. Hydrogenated FatsHydrogenated fats are unsaturated fats that have been chemically treated to increase the shelf-life and make the foods solid at room temperature. Hydrogenated fats generally tend to increase bad cholesterol, increase abdominal fat that may lead to various health problems. Some of the foods that have the highest amount of trans fat may include biscuits, candies, fried foods, cakes and cookies.

3. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners or foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners are known to wreak havoc on your health. These sweeteners mess up your hormones, especially insulin despite having no calories. When you taste these foods, your body releases insulin as if you have eaten sugar, which further leads to spike in the blood sugar levels. It may also induce weight gain, disturb metabolic activity and increase the chances of developing type-2 diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

4. Highly Processed Foods And Drinks

Processed foods and drinks can include a host of sauces, colas, white rice, butter, cheese, et al. These processed foods generally contain high amount of hidden sugar and sodium that may lead to many health problems. They contain preservatives, artificial flavours and colourants, which means addition of chemicals that are harmful for the human body.

5. Canned Foods

Canned foods are easy-to-grab and ready-to-eat or cook; however, they cannot be as good and nutritional than freshly cooked food. They may contain Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is a chemical that's often used in food packaging, et al. It is believed that BPA can migrate from the can into the food leading to various health hazards. Moreover, they contain preservatives, sugar and sodium content that should be avoided.

6.  Any Packaged Food With Misleading Labels

If you are on a diet, make sure you don't fall for misleading labels saying 'low-fat' or 'diet'. These unhealthy foods are often disguised as 'healthy' foods but may have hidden substances that can possibly harm your body and health. Try consuming fresh foods rather than packaged foods.
 ​7. Avoid Excess Consumption Of Seed And Vegetable Oils

Seed and vegetable oils like soybean and corn oil are often portrayed as healthy foods but may prove to be harmful. These oils contain excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, over-consumption of which may not be good for optimal functioning of the body.

8. Flavoured Foods And Drinks

While you love the taste of flavoured juices, yogurts, soft drinks, energy drinks, et al, they may cost your health. The amount of sugar and preservatives they have might be ruining your health.

9.  High Starch Foods

High starch foods may include cereals, oatmeal, potatoes, pasta, lentils, breads, et al. These starchy foods can raise blood sugar levels, as starch is made of a molecule of glucose and when it is digested, it is broken down into sugar. High starch foods also induce weight gain as they contain carbohydrates that are converted into fat.
